Press Releases - November 2007
Financing Resources for 112 details...
ANRCTI Will Accredit the Providers of Electronic Signature Certification Services details...
112 Caller Location details...
ANRCTI Will Conduct Market Analyses and Will Impose ex ante Regulations in the Electronic Communications Sector Assisted by the European Union with Phare Support details...
ANRCTI Provides for Using the GSM Communications Technology on Board of Aircrafts details...
The 3400-3600 MHz Bands To Be Used for Mobile Communications details...
Serviciile de (re)transmisie a programelor audiovizuale – motorul de crestere al sectorului de comunicatii electronice details...
ANRCTI Launches the First Regulatory Strategy for the Romanian Electronic Communications Sector details...
Broadband Internet access in Romania still lags behind Europe details...
Users Are Not Aware of the Real Pricing of Telephone Services details...
ANRCTI Eliminates the Tariffs for the Achievement of Radioamateur Certificate and Radio-Professional Certificate details...