Online Info for Telecom Users
Today, in its international conference Knowledge is Power: Information Tools for Telecom Consumers,the Romanian National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) presented the main information tools made available to the users of communications services and explored the means in which the regulatory authorities can support the users in obtaining the information they need in order to make sure that their rights are protected.
“ANCOM found that only 40% of the approx. 1,000 Internet access providers active on the Romanian communications market have a webpage where they post information of public interest concerning the services they offer. However, in order for the telecom users to enjoy appropriate services, based upon informed choices, all the providers of electronic communications networks and services need to have a website. In this sense, we will look for minimum costs solutions to support the providers of small networks in particular to create their own websites”,Mr. Cătălin Marinescu, the president of ANCOM, said in his opening speech.
ANCOM is currently offering the telecom users several online information tools, such as the ANCOM Infocentre or the Portabilitate.ro and Veritel.ro websites, and is planning to develop this year the platform that will enable the users to measure the quality of the Internet access service. As well, the Authority is considering implementing solutions adjusted to the groups of disabled users.
Speaking in the opening of the ANCOM conference, Mr. Houlin ZHAO, Deputy Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), emphasised the importance that the ITU is giving to the communications users. He also stressed that all the measures the ITU is taking at the market and industry level are aimed at protecting the end-users’ interests and at finding those methods which would enable them to hold all the information they need in order to make the best decisions concerning the telecom services.
The ANCOM international conference Knowledge is Power: Information Tools for Telecom Consumers, held on 27 May 2014, brought together representatives of the European Commission, of the telecom user associations and of the regulatory authorities from countries such as Belgium, Croatia, France, Italy, UK and Sweden. During the two sessions of the event, they presented the applications developed for ensuring that the users of electronic communications services are better informed and the solutions implemented in order to tackle the problems which the disabled users are facing when they access the electronic communications services.
Further details on the conference, as well as the presentations delivered by the invited speakers are available on the conference dedicated page.