Public Consultation on Reporting Statistical Data by the Postal Service Providers
The National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) has submitted for public consultation a number of changes regarding the reporting modality of statistical data by the postal service providers. The changes aim to optimize the Authority's annual process of collecting statistical data.
The postal service providers have the obligation to transmit periodically to Authority certain categories of information in view of the drawing up of statistical data reports on the provision of postal services or related services. ANCOM proposes a number of changes in the current data reporting framework by the postal service providers in order to accurately reflect the dynamics of the postal services market in the annual statistical data reports.
The draft decision submitted for public consultation explicitly states that the postal service providers will report exclusively the postal items processed on their own behalf and not those processed in the name and on behalf of another provider, in order to avoid any double reporting.
The draft decision also provides for the unification of the two currently existing forms for reporting statistical data, thus allowing all service providers to fill in statistical data on identical forms for the purpose of avoiding any differences between the universal service provider and other postal service providers.
In addition, ANCOM proposes that certain indicators be added to the statistical reporting tables sent by the postal service providers, such as indicators on the paper money order, revenues obtained exclusively from the provision of postal services classified by service category, or complaints regarding the relationship between the end users and the providers of postal services.
These proposals are the result of the 2013 changes to the national regulatory framework for postal services, which followed the transposition into the national legislation of the European Parliament and Council Directive no.2008/6/EC by means of the Government Emergency Ordinance no.13/2013 on postal services. Considering that the draft decision regards the collection and the reporting of statistical data for the current year inclusively, the Authority submits the draft decision to public consultation under emergency procedure and allows 15 days for the submission of comments.
The draft decision is available for consultation on the ANCOM website here, the interested persons are invited to send their comments and suggestions, by 06.02.2014, at the ANCOM headquarters in 2 Delea Noua Street, Bucharest 3, directly to the Registry or to the Authority’s regional divisions. Comments and suggestions may also be sent by fax to +40 732 845 402 or by e-mail to consultare@ancom.org.ro.