
Quality for Universal Service in the field of postal services

The quality requirements for the services within the scope of universal service are provided in ANCOM President’s Decision no.1363/2019 on the designation of The National Company Romanian Post S.A. as a universal service provider in the postal services field and concern distribution norms for the following categories of postal items:

  • in the delivery of intra-Community postal items of the fastest standard category, weighing up to (including) 2 kg, CNPR has the obligation to comply with the following quality requirements:
    • 85% of the total number of these postal items will be delivered within 3 (three) working days from the date of their submission to the access points;
    • 97% of the total number of these postal items will be delivered within 5 (five) working days from the date of their submission to the access points.

CNPR must comply with these quality conditions in relationship with any EU Member State.


  • in handling domestic postal items of correspondence of the fastest standard category, weighing up to (including) 2 kg, CNPR has the obligation to comply with the following quality requirements:
    • 85% of the total number of these postal items will be delivered within two working days from the date of their submission to the access points;
    • 97% of the total number of these postal items will be delivered within four working days from the date of their submission to the access points.