
1. ANCOM’s attributions in authorizing the operating personnel of radiocommunication stations

In the activity of authorizing the operating personnel of radiocommunication stations, ANCOM issues all types of certificates for civil radiocommunication services operating in non-governmental or shared governmental/non-governmental frequency bands, allocated according to the National Table of Frequency Allocations (NTFA) to the maritime mobile and maritime mobile-satellite service, to the aeronautical mobile and aeronautical mobile-satellite services, to radiotelephony on inland waterways and to the land mobile service. Thus, the holders of such certificates are authorised to operate radiocommunication stations as follows:
·        radiocommunications in the maritime mobile and in the maritime mobile-satellite services;
·        radiocommunications in the aeronautical mobile and in the aeronautical mobile-satellite services;
·        radiocommunications in the land mobile service;
·        radiocommunications in the service of radiotelephony on inland waterways.
The Authority permanently harmonizes the national legislation in the field in line with the international provisions, with a view to ensuring the operational and legal compatibility of the stations in the above-mentioned services in Romania, in relationship with stations located on the territory of neighbouring countries. It also regulates and coordinates the activity  in the above-mentioned services at a national level.
In this field, ANCOM:
·        certifies the professional competence of the personnel operating radiocommunication networks and stations in the above-mentioned services;
·        ensures the recognition and equating of the qualification of foreign professionals operating radiocommunication networks and stations in the frequency bands allocated to the above-mentioned services under the NTFA.