ANRC participates in the seminar entitled “Reviving a Company’s Nervous
Thursday, Aprilie 6, 2006, the president of the National Regulatory Authority for Communications, Mr. Dan Georgescu, will deliver a speech during the seminar entitled „Reviving a Company’s Nervous System: Electronic Communications”.
The ANRC president presents the advantages from which a company may benefit, as a user of electronic communications services. Competition is vivid in the Romanian communications market. The business sector is now providing commuications services adjusted to the communication needs of the companies, that may choose from a wide range of services and amay purchase complex service packages, at attractive prices.
The event, organised by Ziarul Financiar and UPC Astral, will be attended by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Mr. Zsolt Nagy, by the IGCTI president, Mr. Catalin Marinescu, by the president of the IT&C commission in the Parliament of Romania, Mr. Varujan Pambuccian and by numerous operators in the electronic communications market.