Decisional Transparency
Law.52/2003 (full text in Romanian) on transparency of decision-making in public administration establishes the minimal procedural rules with a view to ensuring decisional transparency within the central and local public administration authorities, elected or assigned, as well as within other public institutions deploying public financial resources, in their relationships with the citizens and their legally constituted associations.
This Law aims to increase the responsibility of public administration as to citizens, which are the beneficiaries of the administrative decisions and to stimulate the citizens to take an active part in the administrative decision-making process, as well as in the process of elaborating normative acts. Furthermore, this Law is meant to enhance the degree of transparency on the level of all public administration bodies.

Procedura de consultare publică
Rapoarte transparenta decizionala
Dezbatere publica ianuarie 2020
Dezbatere publica septembrie 2021
Dezbatere publica august 2022
Anunt dezbatere publica 6 noiembrie 2023
Registrul Unic al Transparenței Intereselor (RUTI)