Working Sessions
ANCOM oragnizează prima întâlnire a grupului de lucru pe tema Neutralităţii reţelelor şi sustenabilităţii internetului details...
Consultare pe marginea proiectului având ca obiect realizarea aplicaţiei online interactive de comparare a ofertelor de comunicaţii destinate utilizatorilor finali details...
Meeting of the ANRCTI representatives with the representatives of the communications industry and with the mass media representatives on the regulations proposed by the European Commission for the electronic communications sector details...
ANRCTI organised a meeting with the fixed and mobile telephone operators, in view of informing them on the completion of the central database for number portability details...
Meeting with the industry in view of providing information on the process of reviewing relevant markets in the Romanian electroinc communications sector details...
ANRCTI discussed today with the representatives of the communications industry on the Regulatory Strategy of the Romanian electronic communications sector until 2010. details...
Meeting between ANRC representatives and AOTR details...
Meeting between the representatives of ANRC and Interlan details...
Meeting between the ANRC and ANISP representatives in the context of the public consultation on the 2006 ANRC Activity Plan details...
On Wednesday, May 11, 2005 took place the first meeting between ANRC and ANISP representatives details...
Meetings of the working group for the establishment of the conditions for the implementation of broadband electronic communication services on the local loop and sub-loop details...
Thursday, January 13, 2005, organised a new consultative meeting with the industry details...
Wednesday, July 14, 2004, ANRC organised a new working session details...
Wednesday, June 9, 2004, the ANRC headquarters hosted details...
The second consultative meeting on RomTelecom's electronic system of processing the requests for the provision of the unbundled access to the local loop details...
Tuesday, November 11, 2003, ANRC organised details...
Wednesday, August 6, 2003, the ANRC headquarters hosted details...
Friday, July 11, 2003, the ANRC headquarters hosted a meeting details...