Print, the reference tool for mobile coverage in Romania





ANCOM has launched today, during its annual international conference,, an e-platform that presents the coverage with, and level of, mobile signal across the country, based on the measurements performed by the Authority during a monitoring campaign. The application enables the users to find out the level of 2G, 3G or 4G signal coverage of the mobile operators active on the Romanian market. ”The ANCOM map is a world premiere as it is not a simulation-based map but a map exclusively based on field measurements. It reflects the mobile coverage for all technologies available on the Romanian market at the time the measurements were made (2G/3G/4G) for all the active mobile operators. We wish this tool to become a reference one for the users, helping them in choosing the right telephony and internet offer, by also taking into consideration the voice and data service coverage that they will benefit from upon concluding a contract”, Mr. Sorin Grindeanu, President of ANCOM, said in the opening of this year’s edition of the ANCOM international conference entitled “A golden compass for the end-users in an interconnected world”.

The map

The national mobile coverage map – – is an information platform which enables users to find out exactly the coverage degree and the level of 2G, 3G and 4G signal for each of the mobile operators active on the Romanian market.

The map is very easy to use: to see what is the coverage at national level, the users must choose one operator and select one or several technologies (2G, 3G or 4G). Users interested in checking the signal level in a certain locality must select the locality concerned. The map also has a location filter to check the signal coverage in the place where the user is. By means of the map, all interested persons can see which are the localities with the best mobile signal and those with the weakest signal, the levels of the indoor and outdoor signal or the white areas. The users thus have a full and accurate picture of the mobile signal coverage across the country.

The monitoring campaign

“The ANCOM measurements campaign was carried out to verify to what extent the mobile telephony operators observe the coverage obligations for voice services assumed under the licences. For almost 5 months, we performed measurements throughout Romania, in all the localities with more than 10 inhabitants, covering more than 240,000 km. It has been a huge team effort, with more than 250 specialists involved, and we are glad that we are able to present a concrete result that will reflect the actual voice signal coverage across the country“, Mr. Cristin POPA, executive director within ANCOM, said in the second session of the conference.  

The ANCOM specialists performed the measurements between May and September 2019, in 13,400 localities from Romania with more than 10 inhabitants, according to the most recent census of population and housing (National Institute of Statistics 2011), and covering more than 246,000 km. The signal coverage of the localities was measured by crossing the accessible roads, the boulevards and the main, as well as the secondary streets, so that the locality could be measured as homogeneously as possible.

The international conference

The conference called “A golden compass for the end-users in an interconnected world”, organised in collaboration with the Committee for information technologies and communications of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies and with the National Museum of Maps and Old Books, brought together, during two sessions, government and parliamentary decision makers, representatives of the regulatory authorities from several states worldwide, operators and other actors from the market. During the event dedicated to the maps of coverage with electronic communications services, ANCOM together with the National Museum of Maps and Old Books organised an exhibition which displayed digitized old maps, accompanied by information on the political, economic, geographic and communication aspects from various times.