Interface Regulations
In order to guarantee the correct implementation of the Directive 2014/53/EU (RED Directive), it is necessary that the manufacturers of radio equipment are informed of the interface characteristics which are permitted in Romania.
Radio Interfaces (article 8.1 of Directive 2014/53/EU)
It is extremely important for the manufacturers of radio equipment to be informed on the right of use of the frequencies with respect to the applications of such equipment. These data are essential for avoiding harmful interference when these radio equipment are put into service. To allow or not certain applications of the radio equipment using certain frequencies is a national competence issue.
Directive 2014/53/EU acknowledges that the radio frequency spectrum in the European Union is not fully harmonised and therefore Member States have national regulations on its use. The directive does not harmonise these regulations, but requires that they be drawn up and, as the case may be, notified. Article 8.1 states that:
“Member States shall notify, in accordance with the procedure laid down in Directive 98/34/EC, the interfaces which they are going to regulate, excepting: (a) radio interfaces that comply fully and without exception with the provisions of Commission decisions on the harmonized use of radio spectrum adopted under Decision no. 676/2002/EC; and (b) radio interfaces which, in accordance with the enforcement acts adopted pursuant to paragraph (2) of this Article, correspond to radio equipment that can be put into service and used freely within the Union.”
Requirements concerning this notification, as they are set out in ANCOM Decision no 248/2021 amending and completing the Decision of the President of the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications of Romania no. 311/2016 on license exempt radio frequencies or radio frequency bands.
Technical regulations for the RO-IR radio interfaces complying with the provisions of Decision no. 311/2016, modified by Decision no. 888/2018 and Decision no. 248/2021:
Chapter I - Short-Range Devices (SRDs)
RO-IR SRD-01 – Non-specific proximity radio devices (short-range devices) (previous coding RO-IR 01) - 687Kb
RO-IR SRD-02 – Tracking, tracing and data acquisition devices (previous coding RO-IR 02) - 199Kb
RO-IR SRD-03 – Broadband data transmission devices (previous coding RO-IR 03 – specifications RO-IR 03-01, RO-IR 03-04a, RO-IR 03-04b, RO-IR 03-04c, RO-IR 03-05 and RO-IR 03-06) - 231Kb
RO-IR SRD-04 – Transport and traffic telematics devices (TTT) (previous coding RO-IR 05) - 334Kb
RO-IR SRD-05 – Devices intended for radiodetermination applications (previous coding RO-IR 06) - 137Kb
RO-IR SRD-06 – Alarm systems (previous coding RO-IR 07) - 213Kb
RO-IR SRD-07 – Model controlling devices (previous coding RO-IR 08) - 184Kb
RO-IR SRD-08 – Devices for inductive applications (previous coding RO-IR 09) - 433Kb
RO-IR SRD-09 – Radio-frequency identification devices (RFID) (previous coding RO-IR 11) - 237Kb
RO-IR SRD-10 – Active implantable medical devices (previous coding RO-IR 12) - 252Kb
RO-IR SRD-11 – Audio/multimedia devices on radio support (previous coding RO-IR 13) - 200Kb
RO-IR SRD-12 – PMR 446 private mobile radio communications devices (previous coding RO-IR 15) - 183Kb
RO-IR SRD-13 – Assistive listening devices (ALD) (previous coding RO-IR 18) - 228Kb
Chapter II - Radio devices using ultrawideband technology (UWB)
RO-IR_UWB-01 Radio equipment using UWB technology (generic UWB usage) - 196Kb
RO-IR_UWB-02 Radio equipment using UWB technology (contact based material sensing devices) - 197Kb
RO-IR_UWB-03 Radio equipment using UWB technology (non-contact based material sensing devices) - 216Kb
RO-IR_UWB-04 Radio equipment using UWB technology (specific use for automotive Short Range Radars (SRR) operating in the 24 GHz range radio spectrum band) - 202Kb
RO-IR_UWB-05 Radio equipment using UWB technology (specific use for automotive Short Range Radars (SRR) operating in the 79 GHz range radio spectrum band) - 199Kb
RO-IR_UWB-06 Radio equipment using UWB technology (location tracking systems type 1 - LT1) - 156Kb
RO-IR_UWB-07 Radio equipment using UWB technology (installed in motor and railway vehicles) - 226Kb
RO-IR_UWB-08 Radio equipment using UWB technology (installed onboard aircraft) - 156Kb
Chapter III - Radio equipment operating in bands allocated to the mobile service
RO-IR RLAN – Wireless access systems for broadband data transmission, including radio local area networks (WAS/RLAN) (previous coding RO-IR 03 – specifications RO-IR 03-02 and RO-IR 03-03) - 243Kb
RO-IR CF Railway applications (previously RO-IR 04) - 157Kb
RO-IR MICRO Radio microphones (previously RO-IR 10) - 447Kb
RO-IR CB Citizens' Band (CB) radio communications (previously RO-IR 14) - 156Kb
RO-IR DECT DECT equipment (Digital European Cordless Telecommunications) (previously RO-IR 16) - 145Kb
RO-IR ITS Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) (previously RO-IR 17) - 164Kb
Chapter IV - Radio equipment operating in frequency bands allocated to the fixed-satellite service
RO-IR FS-01 (work in progress)
RO-IR FS-02 (work in progress)
Chapter V – Radio equipment operating in bands assigned to the amateur service and, respectively, to the amateur satellite service
RO-IR AT-01 Radio equipment operating in the transmission or transmission/reception mode in bands assigned to the amateur service - 933Kb
RO-IT AT-02 Radio equipment operating in the transmission or transmission/reception mode in bands assigned to the amateur satellite service - 667Kb
The National Table of Frequency Allocations (NTFA)
full text (in Romanian) - 1418Kb