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Information included in the providers’ obligations of informing ANCOM - annual financial statements


Provider category

Object of informing obligation


Submitting manner

Legal grounds


Providers of public electronic communications networks or of publicly available electronic communications services and providers of postal services




One copy of the annual financial statements accompanied by the proof of submitting them to the territorial units of the Ministry of Public Finance – where a provider chooses the monitoring tariff to be calculated based on revenues, they should also fill in and 

submit Annexes A2 and A3 of ANCOM  President’s Decision no. 2892/2007 













Within seven days since the deadline for submitting the respective statements to the territorial units of the Ministry of Public Finance



Fill in and upload the corresponding documents in the application for Collecting and Processing Statistical Data – Monitoring Tariff


Art.126 and Art. 130 of the Government Emergency Ordinance no.111/2011 and Art.35 (1) of  Law no.82/1991

Information included in the providers’ obligations of informing ANCOM - annual financial statements


Provider category

Object of informing obligation


Submitting manner

Legal grounds


Providers of public electronic communications networks or of publicly available electronic communications services and providers of postal services




One copy of the annual financial statements accompanied by the proof of submitting them to the territorial units of the Ministry of Public Finance – where a provider chooses the monitoring tariff to be calculated based on revenues, they should also fill in and 

submit Annexes A2 and A3 of ANCOM  President’s Decision no. 2892/2007 













Within seven days since the deadline for submitting the respective statements to the territorial units of the Ministry of Public Finance



Fill in and upload the corresponding documents in the application for Collecting and Processing Statistical Data – Monitoring Tariff


Art.126 and Art. 130 of the Government Emergency Ordinance no.111/2011 and Art.35 (1) of  Law no.82/1991

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