Radio sets
Radio Telefunken |
Radio DKE 38 |
Radio Baikal |
Radio Darclee |
Radio Serenada |
Radiocasetofon Sabamobil |
Radio Cronos |
Radio portabil Selena |
Radio Olimpic |
Radio portabil Total |
Radio Rekord 60Â |
Radio portabil Gloria |
Radio TV portabil Universum |
 |  |  |

Electronic tubes
Trioda  |
Tub videocaptor  |
Pentoda  |
Tiratron  |
Trioda de putere  |
Tub videocaptor  |
Tub cu unda progresiva  |
Cristal quartz  |
Dubla tetroda | Magnetron |
Tiratron |

Telefon cu disc |
Telefon cu disc |
Telefon cu baterie locala |
Telefon cu baterie locala |
Telefon cu baterie locala |
Telefon cu baterie locala |
Telefon cu disc |
Telefon cu disc  |
Colectie de telefoane mobile |
Telefon mobil DECT Â |
Telefon mobil MD300 Â |
Telefon mobil Motorola  |
Telefon mobil Motorola cd 920 |
Telefon mobil Motorola d460 |
Telefon mobil Philips  |
Telefon mobil Philips Fizz |
Telefon mobil Siemens |
Telefon mobil Stabo |

Radiotelefon portabil |
Radiotelefon portabil |
Radiotelefon portabil |
Radiotelefon portabil |
Radiotelefon portabil  |
Radiotelefon portabil  |
Radiotelefon fix/mobil  |
Radiotelefon portabil  |
Radiotelefon portabil |
Radiotelefon portabil |
 |  |

Military communications equipment
Statie radio militara  |
Statie radio militara  |
Statie radio militara  |
Aparat telefonic militar  |
Aparat telefonic militar  |
Aparat telefonic militar  |
 |  |  |  |

Measurement equipment
Voltmetru  |
Aparat pentru detectat perturbatii radio |
Aparat universal de masura |
 Punte de masura RLC digitala |
Generator semnale test TV Â |
Decibelmetru  |
Generator de semnal RF Â |
Generator GF 61 Â |
Microvoltmetru selectiv   |
Microvoltmetru selectiv   |
Analizor spectru radio Tektronix  |
Receptor unde scurte   |

Other equipment
Emitator pirat  |
Emitator pirat  |
Manipulator  |
Manipulator  |
Receptor cu galena  |
Casti  |
Pager  |
Sarcina artificiala 50Ohm  |
Sursa alimentare   |
Televizor portabil   |
Transmitator automat în cod morse  |
Magnetofon TK7 Â |
Modem transmisie date  |
 |  |  |

The Virtual Exhibition of Communications Equipment was set up in 2011, in order to mark 20 years of radio spectrum management and to illustrate how communications and technology have evolved over time. It is an internal project of the Authority, being built virtually with equipment from our employees’ collections, which remind us of or introduce us to the world of rotary dial telephones, grandpa’s radios or communications equipment used during the Second World War.