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Romanian Users Pay, on Average, RON 34 per Month for Their Fixed Internet Service

September 17, 2015


Romanian users pay - on average - RON 34 per month for their individually purchased fixed internet service at home, according to a market survey ordered by the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM). The data show that 47% of the respondents pay an invoice amounting from RON 31 to RON 50, 34% pay from RON 20 to RON 30 per month, whereas 11% of them pay less than RON 20. Only 8% of the respondents declared to have a contract exceeding 51 RON.

The survey revealed that, in 82% of the households, fixed internet services were purchased from the same provider as other electronic communications services (television, fixed or mobile telephony, mobile internet), for an average bundle price of RON 70. The main reason why the users prefer a bundle offer instead of individual services is the lower total price, bundled services being also easier to use and to pay.
Most respondents (85%) declare to be satisfied with the fixed internet connection they currently use, 77% of them considering that they can easily contact the Customer Service, in case of connection failure. As regards the contracted speed, at a national level, 20% of the households benefit from speeds below 50Mbps, whereas 43% of them have contracted speeds above 50Mbps. The most frequently contracted speed is 100 Mbps. On the other hand, 37% of the respondents were not aware of the maximum speed specified in their contract. 46% of the urban households feature speeds above 50 Mbps on their fixed internet connection, compared to 32%, in rural areas.
One can permanently check the quality of his/her paid internet service using, an independent, cost-free and unbiased online tool created by ANCOM.
On average, residential fixed internet connections are used by approximately 2.5 persons, i.e. a value approximately equal to the average number of members in a household. 40% of the fixed internet users also use mobile internet services (via mobile phone/smartphone, USB stick or tablet). 13% of these declared not to use the mobile internet while at home. Mobile internet is preferred over the fixed internet in the household only in a limited number of situations, e.g. when the fixed internet does not work or occasionally, for certain activities (e-mail, browsing etc.).

The market survey on the residential use of fixed internet services in Romania was conducted by Mercury Research for ANCOM, which has used it in its market analyses for assessing the competition level in the retail market for broadband internet access services provided at fixed locations. The survey was conducted during October-November 2014, on a sample of 1,469 persons that have and use an internet connection at home, nationally representative for the population aged 16 and older. The margin of error is ±2.6%, at a confidence level of 95%.

Romanian Users Pay, on Average, RON 34 per Month for Their Fixed Internet Service

September 17, 2015


Romanian users pay - on average - RON 34 per month for their individually purchased fixed internet service at home, according to a market survey ordered by the National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM). The data show that 47% of the respondents pay an invoice amounting from RON 31 to RON 50, 34% pay from RON 20 to RON 30 per month, whereas 11% of them pay less than RON 20. Only 8% of the respondents declared to have a contract exceeding 51 RON.

The survey revealed that, in 82% of the households, fixed internet services were purchased from the same provider as other electronic communications services (television, fixed or mobile telephony, mobile internet), for an average bundle price of RON 70. The main reason why the users prefer a bundle offer instead of individual services is the lower total price, bundled services being also easier to use and to pay.
Most respondents (85%) declare to be satisfied with the fixed internet connection they currently use, 77% of them considering that they can easily contact the Customer Service, in case of connection failure. As regards the contracted speed, at a national level, 20% of the households benefit from speeds below 50Mbps, whereas 43% of them have contracted speeds above 50Mbps. The most frequently contracted speed is 100 Mbps. On the other hand, 37% of the respondents were not aware of the maximum speed specified in their contract. 46% of the urban households feature speeds above 50 Mbps on their fixed internet connection, compared to 32%, in rural areas.
One can permanently check the quality of his/her paid internet service using, an independent, cost-free and unbiased online tool created by ANCOM.
On average, residential fixed internet connections are used by approximately 2.5 persons, i.e. a value approximately equal to the average number of members in a household. 40% of the fixed internet users also use mobile internet services (via mobile phone/smartphone, USB stick or tablet). 13% of these declared not to use the mobile internet while at home. Mobile internet is preferred over the fixed internet in the household only in a limited number of situations, e.g. when the fixed internet does not work or occasionally, for certain activities (e-mail, browsing etc.).

The market survey on the residential use of fixed internet services in Romania was conducted by Mercury Research for ANCOM, which has used it in its market analyses for assessing the competition level in the retail market for broadband internet access services provided at fixed locations. The survey was conducted during October-November 2014, on a sample of 1,469 persons that have and use an internet connection at home, nationally representative for the population aged 16 and older. The margin of error is ±2.6%, at a confidence level of 95%.

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