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Internet Service Speeds in Romania, in the First 3 Quarters of 2015 - Statistics



The Romanian National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) has published, on, the official statistics regarding the fixed and mobile internet services in Romania for quarters I-III of 2015. These were generated based on more than 120,000 tests performed by the users this year, 100,000 of which being validated and used in statistics generation – the speed tests identified as errors or attempts to influence the results have not been considered.
Thus, in the first three quarters of 2015, -the application created by ANCOM for testing and monitoring the internet service quality – shows that mobile internet operators offered their users the following actual average download speeds: Orange Romania – 27.83 Mbps indoor and 39.21 Mbps outdoor, RCS & RDS – 2.62 Mbps indoor and 2.85 Mbps outdoor, Telekom Romania Mobile Communications – 10.25 Mbps indoor and 13.45 Mbps outdoor, Vodafone Romania – 15.78 Mbps indoor and 26.77 Mbps outdoor.
Mobile Internet
Actual download speed-indoor
Actual download speed-outdoor
Orange Romania
27.83 Mbps
39.21 Mbps
2.62 Mbps
2.85 Mbps
Telekom Romania Mobile Communications
10.25 Mbps
13.45 Mbps
Vodafone Romania
15.78 Mbps
26.77 Mbps
In the same period, the first five fixed internet* providers offered the following actual average download speeds: Digital Cable Systems – 47.42 Mbps wired and 26.25 Mbps wireless, Nextgen Communications – 63.57 Mbps wired and 35.53 Mbps wireless, RCS & RDS – 98.95 Mbps wired and 43.48 Mbps wireless, Telekom Romania Communications – 31.10 Mbps wired and 16.68 Mbps wireless and UPC Romania – 57.19 Mbps wired and 31.27 Mbps wireless.
Fixed internet
Actual download speed-wired
Actual download speed-wireless
Digital Cable Systems
47.42 Mbps
26.25 Mbps
Nextgen Communications
63.57 Mbps
35.53 Mbps
98.95 Mbps
43.48 Mbps
Telekom Romania Communications
31.10 Mbps
16.68 Mbps
UPC Romania
57.19 Mbps
31.27 Mbps
*(by number of users, presented in the text in alphabetical order)
Although all the tests performed by the users are registered in the database, certain tests are not considered for statistics purposes, in order to obtain accurate and relevant results and to avoid their being prejudiced. Thus, based on a series of pre-set criteria, the following tests are excluded by default:
·         multiple tests performed on the same IP, where multiple tests are performed on the same day;
·         tests in which the users select other providers than those detected based on their IP;
·         uncompleted tests (download speed, upload speed or delay stand at 0);
·         tests performed through an IP proxy;
·        tests indicating that download or upload speed exceed the nominal/maximum speed specified in the provider’s offer (for mobile internet access, such tests will be excluded from all the statistics regarding the respective provider, whereas for fixed internet access, such tests will be excluded only from the statistics regarding the selected offer).
Moreover, for the purpose of accurately reflecting the situation in the market, as far as the quarterly statistics are concerned, ANCOM reserves the right to analyse in detail the information associated to the performed tests and – as applicable – to exclude further tests in order to remove any result distorting attempts. is the official application for monitoring and assessing the quality of the internet access service developed by ANCOM in order to offer the Romanian users an instrumentwhich is independent (irrespective of the servers made available by the providers and/or their location), objective (presents the internet access service quality as experienced by the respective end-user, since it is measured using a single reference point for all the users of internet access services in Romania) and free of charge. is easy to use and offers accurate results on the spot. All the users have to do is select their offer type in the application and choose the access modality (wireless or wired, for fixed internet, and indoor or outdoor, for mobile internet). A test takes approximately 30 seconds, and the results may be analysed and compared in the context of the statistics published quarterly, by accessing the “Additional Information” section.
A test performed on enables the users to check whether the contracted internet service is up to the quality stipulated in the offer and to compare the registered values of the parameters to those obtained by other providers’ subscribers. Furthermore, the users that sign up for an account in the application may keep an eye on trends such as the evolution of their own internet connection performance over time, respectively an improvement or degradation in the quality of the service they use.


Authorised internet access providers using fixed or mobile electronic communications networks have the obligation to introduce the technical data of their active commercial offers in the application by means of a web interface, according to the provisions of ANCOM’s Decision no. 1201/2011, as well as to stipulate in contracts the parameters committed in relationship with the users (such as nominal/maximum download and upload speeds) and to publish a series of other administrative parameters on their websites.

Internet Service Speeds in Romania, in the First 3 Quarters of 2015 - Statistics



The Romanian National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications (ANCOM) has published, on, the official statistics regarding the fixed and mobile internet services in Romania for quarters I-III of 2015. These were generated based on more than 120,000 tests performed by the users this year, 100,000 of which being validated and used in statistics generation – the speed tests identified as errors or attempts to influence the results have not been considered.
Thus, in the first three quarters of 2015, -the application created by ANCOM for testing and monitoring the internet service quality – shows that mobile internet operators offered their users the following actual average download speeds: Orange Romania – 27.83 Mbps indoor and 39.21 Mbps outdoor, RCS & RDS – 2.62 Mbps indoor and 2.85 Mbps outdoor, Telekom Romania Mobile Communications – 10.25 Mbps indoor and 13.45 Mbps outdoor, Vodafone Romania – 15.78 Mbps indoor and 26.77 Mbps outdoor.
Mobile Internet
Actual download speed-indoor
Actual download speed-outdoor
Orange Romania
27.83 Mbps
39.21 Mbps
2.62 Mbps
2.85 Mbps
Telekom Romania Mobile Communications
10.25 Mbps
13.45 Mbps
Vodafone Romania
15.78 Mbps
26.77 Mbps
In the same period, the first five fixed internet* providers offered the following actual average download speeds: Digital Cable Systems – 47.42 Mbps wired and 26.25 Mbps wireless, Nextgen Communications – 63.57 Mbps wired and 35.53 Mbps wireless, RCS & RDS – 98.95 Mbps wired and 43.48 Mbps wireless, Telekom Romania Communications – 31.10 Mbps wired and 16.68 Mbps wireless and UPC Romania – 57.19 Mbps wired and 31.27 Mbps wireless.
Fixed internet
Actual download speed-wired
Actual download speed-wireless
Digital Cable Systems
47.42 Mbps
26.25 Mbps
Nextgen Communications
63.57 Mbps
35.53 Mbps
98.95 Mbps
43.48 Mbps
Telekom Romania Communications
31.10 Mbps
16.68 Mbps
UPC Romania
57.19 Mbps
31.27 Mbps
*(by number of users, presented in the text in alphabetical order)
Although all the tests performed by the users are registered in the database, certain tests are not considered for statistics purposes, in order to obtain accurate and relevant results and to avoid their being prejudiced. Thus, based on a series of pre-set criteria, the following tests are excluded by default:
·         multiple tests performed on the same IP, where multiple tests are performed on the same day;
·         tests in which the users select other providers than those detected based on their IP;
·         uncompleted tests (download speed, upload speed or delay stand at 0);
·         tests performed through an IP proxy;
·        tests indicating that download or upload speed exceed the nominal/maximum speed specified in the provider’s offer (for mobile internet access, such tests will be excluded from all the statistics regarding the respective provider, whereas for fixed internet access, such tests will be excluded only from the statistics regarding the selected offer).
Moreover, for the purpose of accurately reflecting the situation in the market, as far as the quarterly statistics are concerned, ANCOM reserves the right to analyse in detail the information associated to the performed tests and – as applicable – to exclude further tests in order to remove any result distorting attempts. is the official application for monitoring and assessing the quality of the internet access service developed by ANCOM in order to offer the Romanian users an instrumentwhich is independent (irrespective of the servers made available by the providers and/or their location), objective (presents the internet access service quality as experienced by the respective end-user, since it is measured using a single reference point for all the users of internet access services in Romania) and free of charge. is easy to use and offers accurate results on the spot. All the users have to do is select their offer type in the application and choose the access modality (wireless or wired, for fixed internet, and indoor or outdoor, for mobile internet). A test takes approximately 30 seconds, and the results may be analysed and compared in the context of the statistics published quarterly, by accessing the “Additional Information” section.
A test performed on enables the users to check whether the contracted internet service is up to the quality stipulated in the offer and to compare the registered values of the parameters to those obtained by other providers’ subscribers. Furthermore, the users that sign up for an account in the application may keep an eye on trends such as the evolution of their own internet connection performance over time, respectively an improvement or degradation in the quality of the service they use.


Authorised internet access providers using fixed or mobile electronic communications networks have the obligation to introduce the technical data of their active commercial offers in the application by means of a web interface, according to the provisions of ANCOM’s Decision no. 1201/2011, as well as to stipulate in contracts the parameters committed in relationship with the users (such as nominal/maximum download and upload speeds) and to publish a series of other administrative parameters on their websites.

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