Printeaza Pagina
Prezentări - Infrastructura de comunicaţii – la ordinea zilei în Europa
Sesiunea I
- European communications providers' access to infrastructure - Asta Sihvonen-Punkka, Ficora Finland - 2.27Kb
- The Communications InfrastructureA Topical Issue in Europe - Lidia Kozlowska, UKE Poland - 2.58Kb
- NGA Investment in Germany – The regulatory environment - Annegret Groebel, BNetzA Germany - 0.6Kb
- The Communications Infrastructure – A Topical Issue in Europe - René Dönni Kuoni, OFCOM Switzerland - 1.67Kb
- Access to Infrastructure: Implications of the proposed Regulation - J. Scott Marcus, WIK Consult GmbH - 1.67Kb
Sesiunea a IIa
- Modele investiţionale pentru infrastructura telecom - Alexandrina Dospinescu, CMS Cameron McKenna - 3.84Kb
- One of the worlds most connected city networks and Europes fastest broadband network - Mats Berggren, UmeNet - 2.15Kb
- Ce finanțăm in exercițiul 2007-2013? - Petrica Ciupitu-Istrate, OIPSI, MSI - 0.18Kb
- Telecom Infrastructure - a Financing Perspective - Ioana Anca Gheorghiade, BCR - 1.25Kb